We decided that 2024 is a good time to start a blog where we can corral all of our ideas, tips, and tricks for resourceful public relations in one spot. Why keep all our excitement about public relations and its potential to save the world (when harnessed and used for good) when we could share it via a blog? Here we go! We’ll start with an introduction. You can go next in the comments.
Small Adventures Communications helps science-based organizations turn research into action through public relations. We work with non-profit organizations to help raise understanding and action around complex subjects, and we also work with entrepreneurs to create tailored PR plans that feel comfortable and authentic.
Turning Research into Action:
Small Adventures Communications specializes in helping science-based organizations translate meaningful research into stakeholder action through strategic public relations. Often, the intricacies of scientific or medical information can be overwhelming, but we bring a unique blend of empathy and curiosity to the table. We excel in the art of storytelling, ensuring that even the most complicated research or behind-the-scenes systems work is presented in a way that resonates with a broader audience, including decision-makers like legislators, professionals, and patients.
Supporting Small Businesses:
As a deep introvert and business owner, I have had to turn my PR skills on myself for the first time and navigate building a brand that feels comfortable and authentic. I’ve started offering my expert perspective to other business owners – especially my fellow introverts – because I know what a game-changer owning my own business has been for me. I want others to find success in ways that feel good and don’t overextend or overwhelm them.
We make a conscious effort to support other small businesses and we pride ourselves on investing in business partnerships with a focus on women-, BIPOC-, neurodivergent-, and queer-led businesses. By doing so, the company not only amplifies its impact but also contributes to fostering a diverse and inclusive business ecosystem.
Guiding Principles:
The success of Small Adventures Communications is grounded in its guiding principles. These are the pillars that drive our work:
💡Public relations is a means to educate, inspire, and drive larger change
🔎Nothing beats clear messaging tied directly back to business goals
💪Write with a strong and unique voice
⬆️Maximize opportunities
🕸️Integrate planning and execution across the organization
Here, in the digital pages of this blog, we'll share PR tips and ideas, stories of spectacular successes and educational flops, ways to maintain a balance when sharing difficult stories, and more. Thanks for joining us on this ride!