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Writer's pictureAlexson Calahan

ACT Framework

Ever get tongue tied? The ability to articulate your expertise succinctly and persuasively is a game-changer. No matter your industry or expertise, the ACT framework—a simple yet powerful tool for crafting messages--communicates your expertise but also inspires action.

It starts with determining key topic areas. Think about the three topic areas where you feel confident in your professional knowledge. For an accountant working with restaurant owners, these might be accounting principles, restaurant trends and their financial implications, and savings and strategies tailored for the restaurant industry. For someone else, it might be entrepreneurship, public relations, and healthcare. The key is to identify the areas where you can offer informed opinions and solutions.

Once you've identified your topic areas, it's time to delve into the ACT framework. This framework is designed to help you structure your message in a way that is engaging, informative, and actionable. It consists of three parts: A for Awareness, C for Credibility, and T for Together.

Awareness (A): Start by stating what's already happening. This could be a statistic, a trend, a common problem, or a pain point that your clients often face. For example, if you're addressing restaurant owners, you might highlight the increasing complexity of tax laws and their impact on small businesses. The goal here is to create a connection by showing that you understand the challenges they face.

Credibility (C): Next, you need to establish your credibility. This is where you tell a story—a simplified, high-level narrative that illustrates your impact. Share a success story about a client who faced a similar challenge and how you helped them overcome it. For instance, you could talk about a restaurant owner who, with your help, was able to navigate the tax complexities and save a significant amount of money. The story doesn't need to be long or detailed; it just needs to show that you have the expertise and experience to solve the problem.

Together (T): Finally, you need to bridge the gap between their current state and the desired outcome. This is where you present the call to action. You've identified the problem, you've shown that you can solve it, now you need to tell them what comes next. This could be an invitation to visit your website, download a free resource, or reach out for a consultation. The key is to make it clear and easy for them to take the next step.

The beauty of the ACT framework is its flexibility. It can be adapted to any topic area and any communication channel. It's also a living document—it can evolve as you do, allowing you to refine and improve your message over time.

But why is this important? Crafting a compelling message using the ACT framework can transform the way you share your story. It makes it easier to communicate your expertise. It also leads to better referrals and leads, helping you grow your business in a way that feels authentic and comfortable. As you apply these tactics, you'll find that people are more likely to use your words to refer you to others. Your messages will become more impactful, and you'll start to see the results in the form of better leads and a growing business.

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